Tucker's Space

Jack of All Trades

Who Am I?

My name is Tucker. This little page is meant for showcasing my growth as a programmer. I try to improve a little bit every day. I'm focused more on software development than web development, but I'd like to be good at everything. Right now the page is simple HTML and CSS but eventually I will add in some Javascript.
If anyone randomly stumbles upon my humble page and wishes to contact me, please feel free to do so via my email, ohooh7@gmail.com

Current Challenges: September 10th, 2024

I have been insanely busy the last month, but not with programming. I got a puppy on August 17th and she has been the focus of all my attention ever since. We've finally fallen into a rhythm, I've gotten over two separate horrible colds, and now I'm ready to get back on the horse. I've decided to start watching some JavaScript and web development tutorials to refine my skills in that area, so for now I'll be taking a break from project development.
